The Writers of the Future Week – Summary
I could write a moving account of how amazing last week at the Writers of the Future event was. I could weave a narrative around the fantastic instruction provided by KD Wentworth and Tim Powers, interspersed with clever anecdotes I gleamed from the late night bullshit sessions with established authors. I could reminiscence about the incredible bonding experience of being thrown together with a group of strangers in unfamiliar territory. I could… but I really have a lot of writing tasks to get back to. Yesterday was the first day I met my word production goals since returning from LA and I want to keep rebuilding my momentum. So, instead,…
Writers of the Future Volume 26
Thanks to Scott, a fellow winner in the Writers of the Future Contest, I saw that Amazon has the next volume of Writers of the Future for pre-order! This is exciting (to me) because it has my story ‘Digital Rights’ in it (not by itself of course, the other winners all have their excellent stories in it too!)
The Underachieving Story
Currently I’m struggling through editing/rebuilding a story I wrote the first draft of back in January. I’m really procrastinating (hence this blog post). It just has never had the ‘magic’ I thought the original concept would deliver. Anyways, I went through some old notes on other stories as a way to avoid the dread edit and realized something. Last year, spring, I wrote three stories back to back. Of the three I thought one was great, one was good and one was okay. The great story still has yet to find a home. The good story was recently sold. And the ‘okay’ story? Well, I never really felt it achieved…