• My Life

    Read this Week

    Read On Spec #82 this week; I’ve been slow to catch up on my magazine subscriptions because I’ve been reading some ‘research novels’. A strong issue, as always, with several interesting stories and really cool cover. And just as I finish it issue #83 arrives! Which was also a delight because at the end of it is a little blurb listing who will be appearing in upcoming issues and of course my name is there — my story ‘Touch the Dead’* will appear in a future issue. I also read the novel ‘Druids’ by Barbara Galler-Smith and Josh Langston (published by Edge), an epic historical fantasy set during the days…

  • Writing Resources

    ‘Touch the Dead’ sells to On Spec Magazine

    Just signed and sent the contract to On Spec. This is the sale that I mentioned a couple weeks ago on Twitter and is my third to On Spec. I am super excited for a variety of reasons. As most readers know I’m a huge fan of On Spec and was eagerly waiting their response to this story. A couple years ago they saw a previous version of this story but declined. I took their feedback and the advice of my readers and rewrote the story. ‘Touch the Dead’ I think has been drastically improved by this feedback and I’m very happy with it. Some History This was actually the…

  • Writing Resources

    Codename: Defeating

    Okay so I’ve started writing the ‘second novel’, which from now on will be referred to as Defeating. This novel is different in several ways from the ‘first novel’ (Ice Onion) which I’m currently revising with the intent to submit to published in early August. Defeating is an action adventure urban fantasy, that is a modern world with supernatural elements at play in it (and plenty of action) as opposed to Ice Onion which is an action adventure science-fiction novel. Defeating will also have several viewpoint characters, whereas Ice Onion has stuck with one. The last difference is that whereas Ice Onion was a brand new story idea, I’ve already…