In Way of Updates and Such…
I hope all of you are well, or as well as you can be given the current state of things. This is primarily an update regarding Raiders of the Serpent Sea (which I generally update via my Kickstarter) but I figured I’d provide an overview here while I prepare the next, more formal update over there). I am still deep in the race & class design for the player’s handbook portion (so that I can get that into playtesters hands sooner than later). Once complete I’ll resume writing on the game master’s guide (which I’ve still poked at while working on the player details) and will continue with the other…
Further Into the Serpent Sea…
Last week I was finally able to provide the title for my upcoming project. Going forward, I’ll now start explaining the world a bit more and what to expect from the Raiders of the Serpent Sea game master and player guides. Here’s a first look at the current back cover blurb for the player’s guide: Glory is Yours For The Taking Centuries ago, upon a vast, beautiful, and wondrous world, a horde of shape changing fiends known as the Yoten warred with the heroic Vanir. Betrayed by their own, the heroes failed and fell, one by one. Only upon the very edge of destruction did the survivors unleash ancient magic…