Magazine Subscriptions
Most readers probably know that I subscribe to Black Gate and On Spec fairly regularly but there are other magazines I have subscriptions for (or have had subscriptions for). I allocate a budget for magazine subscriptions and every year I choose *different* magazines to subscribe in. Even if I find a magazine I like, I try to spread the ‘subscription money’ around each year, to sample the largest number of magazines that I can. I do this primarily to get a feel for what kinds of fiction the different magazines publish but also to get exposure to other writers that I might not have if I stuck to the same…
Black Gate has arrived!
Received issue 14 of Black Gate and have started reading it. The magazine is a print magazine but given the expense of using the postal system, I elected to continue my subscription via PDF. So far happy with it. Formatting is good, I’ll test it on a variety of devices and give an update later. In other news, I had a solid weekend on Empire Avenue… my share price continues to increase. If you’d like an invite into this addictive game/social network/advertising platform, just let me know (I’ll need an e-mail address to invite you).
Rogue Blades Entertainment & Black Gate Subscription
Check out this notice over at Black Gate… basically you can get a rebate on a Rogue Blades anthology with the purchase of a new Black Gate subscription. Since my subscription to Black Gate has expired, I think I might go and take advantage of this…
Fave magazines
Two of my favorite magazines are On Spec and Black Gate (they cater to two different readings tastes but both provide intelligent and entertaining stories every issue). Anyways the folks on the Black Gate blog have posted a short note congratulating On Spec on their 20th anniversary! If you haven’t read both of these fine magazines you should grab yourself a copy. In addition to print both now offer electronic versions of their magazines. – Brent
Review: Black Gate 13
I have every issue of Black Gate… a fantastic magazine. I don’t think I’ve posted any reviews for it yet though, so I’ll start with the latest issue. (Note: I subscribe to the print issue, but there is now a digital copy available too). The Beautiful Corridor Jonathan L. Howard Good, fun adventure tale, with a thief daring to steal a relic inside of a trapped temple. The Good Sheriff David Wesley Hill I enjoyed this western-on-another-planet story. It was weird, but the weirdness worked well, against a more familiar background — the grizzled cowboy surviving on bravado and wits. The Face in the Sea John C Hocking A rescue…