Working Backwards: 50 Years of …
Recently I released the final deliverable for my Raiders of the Serpent Sea Kickstarter campaign (The Raiding Seas!) As I wrap up several years of work on this TTRPG campaign it has led me to reflect on the huge impact Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has had on my life. Even as I wrap up work on Raiders, I am currently busy as a contractor doing fun things on another exciting roleplaying project (and the reason I have this work is because of my previous work at BioWare). This project is likely what I’ll be busy with for the rest of the year and is sure to lead to new opportunities…
Raiders of the Serpent Sea – Physical Copies
Hello, again. This will likely be my last post about the original Raiders of the Serpent Sea RPG project over here as we have fulfilled most of the Kickstarter commitments and print and digital copies for those who are not backers, are now available! More details here, including links to the products available at the various Modiphius stores: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcanumworldscanada/raidersoftheserpentsea/posts/3976412 And these are links to the extra Raiders content on DriveThruRPG, separate from the campaign and player guide: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/21008/Runic-Tales-Inc I’ll try to keep this blog more centered on the creative and behind-the-scenes stuff work leading toward projects like Raiders. Promotion will tend to happen on our Runic Tales website instead. There…
Roll20: Raiders of the Serpent Sea
The Roll20 version of Raiders of the Serpent Sea is now available for purchase on Roll20! Find it here: https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/bundle/26386/raiders-of-the-serpent-sea (To follow along with new Raider’s information, please sail on over to our company page: https://runictales.com/)
Lindwyrm Stat Block
The following is a mockup I made (this is not the final stat block, nor does our page layout artist know I mocked this up… he probably would not be impressed). But I thought for those of you not getting the regular Kickstarter updates, I’d send this now. In the next update over there, I’ll include a few more stat blocks. Thoughts?
In Way of Updates and Such…
I hope all of you are well, or as well as you can be given the current state of things. This is primarily an update regarding Raiders of the Serpent Sea (which I generally update via my Kickstarter) but I figured I’d provide an overview here while I prepare the next, more formal update over there). I am still deep in the race & class design for the player’s handbook portion (so that I can get that into playtesters hands sooner than later). Once complete I’ll resume writing on the game master’s guide (which I’ve still poked at while working on the player details) and will continue with the other…
Good Tidings!
I hope all is well for those of you still stumbling onto this blog. (Well, I mean I hope everyone out there is doing well, not just those who come here to read my words….) So… I do have an announcement to make. But not today… not quite yet. Stars are still being aligned, courses charted, that sort of thing. But soon. I do have a few things to chat about today though… After a very long departure window, I have left my position as senior technical lead at NAIT (a polytechnic in Edmonton). It was a wonderful experience that allowed me to learn many new things. Our team at…