Thank you, Raiders!
The Kickstarter for my 5e D&D campaign, Raiders of the Serpent Sea, wrapped up on the weekend. I very much appreciate the support from all of you! For those that backed I am hoping to get an update out today or tomorrow on Kickstarter with some clearer ideas of timelines. And other than that I am busily building a final project plan and restarting those art pipelines that have been on pause while we waited on the new funding. Then it is back to writing & designing.
This is my first Kickstarter and though I leaned heavily on the lessons that others learned (thanks, Stonemaier Games, Enworld & all the in-person advice I’ve received from colleagues) I have several “things I’ve learned” that I’ll present in a future blog post.
In the meantime, I am very excited to continue my adventures on the Serpent Sea and — eventually — share those with everyone who contributed.
We are also in the process of setting up the pledge manager and preorder system for those who missed the Kickstarter. I’ll provide more updates here and in the Kickstarter update messages but if you want to be notified when these are ready, pledge manager has a notification form you can sign up to:
Until next time!