The Lazy Designer,  Writing Resources

Lazy Designer…

I’ve been working on several Unity projects, none of them are “real games”, just continuations of prototype work. I wanted to see how deploying the web version of Unity went and ran into some snags last week. Ultimately I needed to extract the kid’s game I was working on from the project that had all my prototype scenes — to get rid of some Windows dependencies. That’s done and I’ve uploaded the kid’s game so he can play it on his computer. (It also means though that when I revisit my game-in-progess I need to redo how I handled the conversation system since it relies on some data mechanisms unavailable in the web player.)

So, I’ve learned a fair bit this week, even if I don’t feel I’ve actually made progress on anything. And speaking of learning things, I’m starting to write down all the various Unity problems I’ve ran into and the solutions I’ve used. This will end up being part of the bonus material I’ll distribute with the Lazy Designer, via direct sales.

(And for those who haven’t read any of the Lazy Designer books, they are about to undergo a price increase. I’ll speak to the reason behind this in a later post, but by the end of the day I expect the price change to be reflected in the Amazon listings.)

And for those keeping track I’ll miss writing anything for National Novel Writing Month again this year, even though I had planned to do so. The reason is simple. I need to finish the Lazy Designer books and write all the bonus material. This will be my highest priority until it’s all done. I’m hoping by pushing aside the fiction for a few months, I’ll be able to have all the Lazy Designer material available for readers early next year.

Anyways, that’s enough for today.

Happy Halloween!

Former lead designer at BioWare (Dragon Age: Origins, Neverwinter Nights). Creator of Raiders of the Serpent Sea.

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