The Long Dark
Instead of talking (just) about my prototype work, I’d like to mention a Kickstarter for a former coworker.
Dave Chan was the sound guy for a significant portion of my time with BioWare and he’s joined Hinterland games to make THE LONG DARK:
a first-person post-disaster survival simulation set in the Northern wilderness. How far will you go to survive?
If this sounds interesting to you, please support it by kicking some funds to it, or sharing it.
In regards to my own prototype work, this was a slower than average week as I’m undoing a bunch of code that was working before to make it work differently. I do think I’m moving closer towards something vaguely fun. For those really paying attention this means I’ve shifted some of my focus from area design (which I still have not “proven” yet) back to combat. This is more a factor of my limited time… to really hammer through my prototype level for area design, I need a solid block of time. I don’t anticipate that happening for a few months. I find the combat stuff easier to chip away at in smaller pieces.
In a larger sense though I’m realizing, more and more, what I don’t know. I feel about 90% of my game-dev time is being spent doing research. I don’t expect this to change.
Anyways, that’s it for this week.