2012 Wrap-up
These stories of mine made their appearance in 2012:
“Touch the Dead” On Spec Magazine
“Summer Lover” Shroud Magazine
“Proof in the Pudding” Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Flush Fiction
“The Onion Farmer” Aoife’s Kiss
“Stone Eater” Abyss and Apex
“Foolish Wishes, Fairly Kisses” NewMyths.com
“Nikki 2.3” The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology
I wrote about 330 000 words this year. This included completing Novel #5, most of the rough draft for Lazy Designer #3, and fifteen new stories. I sent out over 200 submissions this year. In terms of new sales I had four, two of them having already appeared (“Nikki 2.3” and “The Onion Farmer”) and two forthcoming “A Primer on the Ins and Outs of Building Bliss” and “Sin and Toil”, both of which sold to On Spec Magazine.
Mordi Peshkess
Very productive year. Do you have specific plans for the upcoming year or are you just gonna see where it leads?
PS: How was your christmas? I bet the kids had tons of fun. Mine got a ridiculous amounts of gifts so that of course means more crap for me to pick up.
Sarah Wilson
Impressive! Well done!
Potomac Real Estate
congratulations! Hard work – leads to success! May 2013 be even more productive and successful for you !
chris inman
Looks like a GREAT Year Brent – looking forward to your 2013 work
Brent Knowles
Thanks, Mordi.
I do have plans/goals for next year but I am still trying to narrow the list down to something reasonable. I always want to do more than I’ll have time for.
For sure I will write another novel and I would like to finish the remaining Lazy Designer books. After that I am considering a couple programming projects, one of which would enable me to do some game prototyping.
On New Year’s I’ll finish deciding.
As for Christmas, it was good. Kids got lots of toys, and yeah, many more messes for us to clean! Sounds like yours enjoyed themselves too. Hope all is well.
Have a Happy New Year!
– Brent
Brent Knowles
Thanks, Chris!
Brent Knowles
Thank you! I hope so too.
Brent Knowles
Thank you, Sarah.
Mr B Hive
Wishing you an even better year in 2013
Congrats on a successful year – much more success in 2013 – Happy New Year Brent!
Tammi Kibler
330K words is an impressive feat. Here’s to another productive year!
Brent Knowles
Thanks, Tammi
Brent Knowles
Thank you! Best of wishes to you too.
Brent Knowles
This year was very productive and successful for you. I wish you even better 2013 !
Ron Callari
Impressive 330K from:
Mordi Peshkess
Quick question: How come DAO had such a huge crafting system for poisons traps, potions and salves, but the crafting system for weapons and armor is almost non existent?
I know it comes out of left field but over the Christmas I did a run-through of DAO and I remembered I always had that question in the back of my head.
PS: Was it your idea to put a Superman reference in the game?! It was you, right!
Brent Knowles
I don’t actually remember. I suspect it had to do with wanting crafting to create “other things”, items that were not as available via other routes. Instead of just being able to create things that are normally found via loot — letting players fill tactical holes in their armament, I suppose.
As for Superman, that was not me:) I believe it was Ferret who added that reference.
Take care,
Mordi Peshkess
That was a really cool refrence. First time I saw it I couldn’t stop smiling.
Anyways, thanks for clearing it up. I suspected that was the reason when discussing it with a friend but I thought I should ask you.
If you have some time then check out two indie games I got into recently. One is called closure and it’s got some very interesting puzzle platforming mechanic, and the other is of course FTL: Faster Then Light.
Have a great weekend.
Brent Knowles
I haven’t seen Closure yet but I bought FTL a few days ago. Haven’t had time to try out more than the tutorial yet, but maybe on the weekend I’ll have time.
Mordi Peshkess
Word of advice. Upgrade your doors.
Donna DM
sounds like a great year to me! Love all the writing you got done.
Brent Knowles
Thanks, Donna!