Sad Plant
So, my son brought home seeds from school last year and we planted them and they have grown into this… thing.
Anybody know what kind of plant it is? Or what I should be doing for it? It is looking kind of grungy but I’m afraid of touching it… and my son guards it ferociously. If it were to croak I don’t think he’d be in a forgiving mood.
Candace Mountain
I would add some nitrogen sticks to the soil. Also ensure it gets plenty of sunshine as being green it is photosynthesis based and sun can only help it. Also water it but not too much, over watering can kill a plant just as surely as under watering it.
Lindy Dale Ireland
Hmmm. This is not the best looking plant I have ever seen…. I can’t tell how big the pot is in the picture – sometimes a plant will respond well to being repotted if its roots can’t spread in the one its in.
I haven’t got the foggiest idea of what kind of plant this is… but I can suggest you to search it here This online search engine let you identify any kind of plant even if you know very little about them. Once you find out the name of the plant it is easier to search for information on how to better grow it. Good luck ;)
I can’t identify it, sorry, but don’t look very happy… Try changing the location, with the permission of your son… to see if recovers some life.
Chris Fleury
Unfortunately I have no idea…..
Brent Knowles
Thanks Candace
Thea Bredie
Have you tried this site? There might be a US equivalent?
Brent Knowles
thanks, I’ll give it a look!
Anne Thomas
Hmmm.. I was hoping but I have no idea . Sorry Brent
Brent Knowles
No worries, thanks for checking.
Could it be marijuana LOL! just kidding :-)
Shelley Collins
Brent, It looks like a tomato or a pepper plant. I would pinch out the growing tips, cut back the grungy or dead areas and add some plant food. This may help it to strengthen it.
Not sure the local name however I think the Latin name is “sickus almost deadus” :-) ooops.
Askjohn Kampen
Hard to tell from the picture but looks a bit like Elderberry.
can’t tell, but good luck with the botany!
haha, nope no idea!
It resembles very much, but it is not. But something very close, I guess :-o
Kate Stetler Holgate
It looks like it might be tarragon which is a wonderful culinary herb. – Check out this picture – and you can do other searches too for other images – to see if that might be it. Good luck!
Zo Nicholas
Sally K Witt
Nope. You can try posting it on quora or LinkedIn answers??
Brent Knowles
Thanks Shelley. I’ll do that.
Brent Knowles
Brent Knowles
Brent Knowles
I’ll look into that. Thanks!
Brent Knowles
Brent Knowles
Yep, I might do that. Thanks.
I’m 100% sure it’s a plant! :D
Heidi Caswell
Not a tomato plant, but it is a sad plant, reaching for the sun, not getting enough.
Richard Bradford
Sorry. No clue here!!
Lisa Mason
I have no idea but I am very curious myself now. Let us know if you find out for certain what it is!
try smoking it. lol Only kidding. I’m not sure what it is. Good luck.
John Sullivan
Clueless Brent But I have absolutely no green Thumb .
Cliff Rogers
I’m inclined to agree with Kate, looks a lot like tarragon to me.
Brent Knowles
Whew! I was a little worried :)
Brent Knowles
Sadly there won’t be much sun in this area for a few more months.
Brent Knowles
Will do!
Brent Knowles
:) I’m sure my kid would be impressed to see me attempting that.
Russ Bastable
Not a clue!! My grandmother would recommend adopting an African Violet, and she knew her stuff. Pretty unrelated but grandma and her favorite hobby needed a mention.