Writing Resources

The Underachieving Story

Currently I’m struggling through editing/rebuilding a story I wrote the first draft of back in January. I’m really procrastinating (hence this blog post). It just has never had the ‘magic’ I thought the original concept would deliver.

Anyways, I went through some old notes on other stories as a way to avoid the dread edit and realized something. Last year, spring, I wrote three stories back to back. Of the three I thought one was great, one was good and one was okay.

The great story still has yet to find a home. The good story was recently sold.

And the ‘okay’ story? Well, I never really felt it achieved what I had wanted but I did send it out anyways, though with a fair deal of reluctance and dragging of the feet. And you know what? It was the story that won a first place finish in the third quarter of the Writers of the Future Contest! I had forgotten how unhappy I had been with the damn story.

So, upon reflection, maybe I should just finish this current revision of the story I’m working on and send it out, eh?

(And then get to the two other stories I have slated to finish this week so that I can start novel revisions next week)

Former lead designer at BioWare (Dragon Age: Origins, Neverwinter Nights). Creator of Raiders of the Serpent Sea.

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