
Version System


Keeps copies of the richtext in notes.

Version System

What does it do?

Archives ‘drafts’ or versions of stories or other documents stored in YourOtherMind’s notebook.

How To Use It

Invoke the editbar (ctrl + f) and select Features|Versions. The user will be brought to a screen with a list of existing archives (if any). To archive the current version they press Archive This Version. To compare versions just doubleclick the ‘old’ version in the listbox. This old version will appear on the left hand side of the screen. The current version always appears on the right-hand.

Each note can save an unlimited number of archives (or drafts). Useful if making a major revision and want to compare it to the original.

Selecting a line in either the old version or the newest version shows its contents in the text boxes above the version copies.

Clicking Open Archive Folder will open the folder containing the archived copies (in case they are needed to restore an old version). Clicking Open Previous Version will open the currently selected previous version in the appropriate text editor.

Applies To


To learn more about YourOtherMind, Creative Sidekick and Writer’s Organizer, visit the main discussion page.

Former lead designer at BioWare (Dragon Age: Origins, Neverwinter Nights). Creator of Raiders of the Serpent Sea.

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