• Game Reviews

    XCOM Enemy Unknown

    I should hate this game. Really, if not for XCOM (a remake of a tactical squad-based game that I really enjoyed in my younger days), I probably would have finished Novel#5 sooner. So I really should hate it. But I can’t. It is just too much fun. In X-COM Enemy Unknown the gameplay consists of building squads of soldiers and then using them to stop alien invasions. There are several different types of missions and part of the fun is deciding which types of soldier (heavy gunners, assault specialists, snipers, or support) to bring along for a particular mission. The player doesn’t choose the types of soldiers they recruit, so…

  • My Life,  Writing Resources

    It seems that I now exist…

    Hi. I’m back. For a little bit anyways. The main reason for the long silence on this blog is that I’ve been busy. I’m heading into the last few months of the year and still have several goals I need to reach. I’m a few chapters shy of finishing the rough draft for novel#5 — should be done by end of October — but I also need to review and revise it by year’s end. I also have to write the third Lazy Designer game design handbook (about design specializations). So lots of writing related work remaining. I’m also doing some contract testing for a soon to be released game.…