Read this week – "A Memory of Wind"
These last few weeks I’ve been reading novels mostly and in general I’m probably going to stop doing reviews of the various magazines I’ve read. What I will do is call out anything that stood out for me and one story did, this week. A Memory of Wind by Rachel Swirsky can be read at tor.com. This is a haunting story that has stuck with me a few days after reading. It tells the tale of a minor figure whose sacrifice during the Trojan War has been largely overlooked. Well worth a read — and its free. Also, if you’ll remember my rant about online magazines from a few days…
Dragon Age Review at Tor.com
I was pleased to stumble across a Dragon Age review on the Tor.com blog. Mur Lafferty, the blogger, is enjoying the game and has written an entertaining review. http://www.tor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=blog&id=58659