My Fiction Site
Because I like to fiddle I’ve rolled out a new fiction site — a showcase of my published work. It now supports reviews and excerpts too. fiction.brentknowles.com Unlike past sites, I’ve built myself an admin page to easily add projects. Because it is really only a couple php and json files I imagine it could be used by others, once I cleaned things up a bit. Let me know if you might be interested and I’ll try to help you set it up now (manually) or prioritize building a setup script for my next month’s sprint/workload. You can explore some rough documentation at: YourOtherMind GitHub Reminders Fun stuff is starting…
Brent’s Stories Available (So Far) This Year…
So this has been an interesting year for me. I haven’t really kept a tally in previous years but I’m sure 2012 has seen more stories of mine published than in any other year. So far I’ve had six stories appear, with another slotted to be out before the end of the year (and two wildcards that should have been published earlier in the year but haven’t been yet). The stories are: Nikki 2.3 (still available to read, for free, at The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology) Onion Farmer (Aoife’s Kiss) Proof in the Pudding (Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader – Flush Fiction) Stone Eater (Abyss and Apex, you’ll need to subscribe…
Trains, Trains, Trains
Yep, this is what I’ve been up to lately. The kids love the new Lego train set and I’ve been buying too many accessories for it. Well, okay, I’m doing a bit more than just playing with trains. Mostly I’ve been writing, editing, writing. I wrote rough drafts for several stories last summer and I’m rewriting them and sending them off to editors. I’m also editing novel#4 so I can send it out later in the year. I’m also preparing some notes for the third book in the Lazy Designer series based on feedback on the first two volumes, available here and here.
iPad App – Noterize
A few weeks ago I purchased the iPad App Noterize to assist me in editing a novel that is still in draft form. Wow. This is probably the most useful application I have on the iPad. Basically you import a pdf file (from a variety of sources) onto the iPad and can then make markup notes on it using a stylus. You can write notes or paste typed sticky notes on the manuscript and then send the annotated manuscript back to the computer. The editing experience is identical to paper without the mess. It also allows you to record page specific audio notes, which was useful with a story I…