Another Novel Finished
Yesterday I completed the first draft for my latest novel. No title exists yet so I’ve just been calling it the ‘Blue Bay’ novel to this point. At 158 000 words, I believe this is my longest first draft (aside from another novel that I have since discarded). I’ve been writing the novel since August of this year, at least a few hundred words every day, but the planning for it started a couple years ago. Overall I’m pleased but I’ve definitely noticed major errors, while writing, that will need to be addressed before I can begin the editing phase. (I generally do not make corrections while writing the first…
The Sad Fate of Ten Little Stories
I’ve been busy with the novel. Really busy. I had hoped to finish it before my writing time vanished but I’m still three chapters shy of completing the rough draft. Since I’ve been so busy I’ve been neglecting maintaining my submissions. What I mean by this, is that when stories are rejected, I need to hunt out new homes for them and whatnot. I haven’t been doing this. In the mad plunge to finish the novel, several stories were politely declined and returned to me (and two novels). I took a look at the list today. In the past I’ve had a fairly large list of “things submitted”. This is…
127 750 Words
Another hasty update, still hammering away at finishing the rough draft of the latest novel before I lose the bulk of my writing time for this school year. As the title probably suggests, I am sitting at about 127 750 with 8 chapters remaining to write. Doing the rough maths in my head, and considering that I always overwrite and hence draft 2 will be smaller than the rough draft, I think the final product will be about 140 000 words, which is significantly longer than the first novel in the series. I am tempted to chop the two novels into three, as there’s a fairly natural progression point where…
Novel 5 is Alive!
I’ve finished the first draft of the fifth novel! I started writing mid-July, so it has taken me a tad longer than I originally intended (meaning that yes, I’m behind schedule). In my defense the novel has turned out to be slightly longer than I intended, weighing in at about 130 000 words. I have no doubt that at least 15 000 of these words will vanish during edits, as I am a compulsive over-writer in my first drafts. When I started the novel I mentioned that I was writing the last chapter first. In hindsight, has that turned out to be a good idea? Overall I think it was.…
First Draft Finished
Just completed the first draft of the third novel! Now I’ll be looking at revisions. One thing that I’m noticing is that with each novel the revisions phase seems to be shortening. This time around there’s no chapter reordering or major additions or removals required. Still a lot of cleanup needed of course… some weak characters and a couple boring bits and whatnot but in general I think this revision pass will go significantly faster than the last. I will take a bit of a break and write a couple short stories but will start revisions by end of July and have the novel ready for sending out in early…
Novel Edits
Sorry for the quietness but I’m busy with Empire Avenue and novel edits… I’m kicking this novel out of my house by the end of the month no matter what. As well I’ve been playing around with a secret project (not writing or Empire Avenue related). And no I’m not telling you about it yet. It’s a secret after all. I’ve also put a link to an Amazon store down somewhere on the bottom of this webpage, I’m going to try and keep it updated with my Kindle reprints and with any stories and novels people I know have available. If you want me to add your work to the…
With 4700 words, the first draft of my novel is finished. It ended up at 108000 words, a little long as I’ve noted before but I’ll have it below 100k for the final draft. Most of the writing happened after January, so not bad output for three months. I had planned to be finished in February though. The draft is rougher than I had intended setting out but I learned a lot. I’m taking a break from it to work on several short stories and start planning the second novel (a rewrite of an urban fantasy novel I started writing back in college). In May I’ll start work on the…