Reviews for Nikki 2.3
My story ‘Nikki 2.3’, currently available at The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology, has had a couple of reviews come in. Most recently, there’s a positive review from Sam Tomaino at SFRevu: “Our narrator here, is also “female”, a sexbot A.I. that is stuck in a computer, abandoned by he boss, HotDawg. She finds a way to get out, using a sex toy that had been left lying about.” You can read the full review at SFRevu. There was also a review by Lois Tilton, over at Locus!
Nikki 2.3 is alive!
Well, maybe not alive exactly, but my story, ‘Nikki 2.3’ is available to read, for free, over at The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology. Do check it out (and the other stories in the “Hello World” issue of the Journal). A warning though: this story may or may not contain adult content (depending on your definition of adult content).
“Nikki 2.3” sells to The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology
My short story “Nikki 2.3” has sold to The Journal Of Unlikely Entomology. It will appear in the “Hello, World” mini issue at the end of next month (full table of contents). Past issues are available to read if you’d like to explore this curious magazine.