Question and Answer over on Goodreads
Today some fine folks over at Goodreads have invited me to a question and answer. Users have been adding questions for about a week and I’m trying to finish off replying to them all today. If you’d like to see what people are asking about and my responses, check it out: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1946103-featured-author-discussion—brent-knowles—august-20? And if you have a writing related question or two, ask away.
Interview with me has gone live at Blogcritics
If you are absolutely dying to know more about me I recently did an interview over at Blogcritics. http://blogcritics.org/scitech/article/an-interview-with-brent-knowles-writer/ I have to admit being called an emperor does good things for my ego.
My First Interview?
Stumbled across this interview with me over at IGN. I’m not entirely sure if this is my absolute first interview as a designer with BioWare but I think it is. One of the cool things with BioWare is that they tried to make sure everybody, especially in the early days, had a shot at doing interviews and sharing the development spotlight. Of course reading the interview I’m scratching my head, especially at this: One day I plan to return to University and complete my masters degree, which will probably involve building robots and other AI related interests. I totally don’t remember wanting to go back to university. I must have…