Evil Snow
We survived our first major snowfall with the only major casualty in our household being our garage door opener, so now I thought I’d give another brief update. Yes, I’m still preparing another post, which will give you more of a glimpse into some new opportunities I am considering, but it is not ready yet. This November I competed in my second Nanowrimo. If you aren’t familiar with it, Nanowrimo requires participants to write 50K words in November. I participated a couple years ago and managed it, but I wasn’t able to make my schedule work in subsequent years. This year, even though I still wasn’t finished another novel, I…
Building a Garage
So the neighbors behind us are having a garage built and the delay it is taking has got me to remembering the first garage we contracted to have built. A garage is actually a pretty simple thing to build — the hardest part is the garage pad. So back when we needed a garage at our first home, I was tempted to build it myself. Luckily my wife talked me out of it. See, a garage is simple, but if you don’t know what you are doing you’ll spend forever on it. And now in our second ‘subdivision under construction’ I see it all the time, the garages taking days,…