Game Hauler Version 4 (Part 5 / ?)
If you want to play the latest build before reading the commentary then scroll down to the end of this post. PROTOTYPE 4 (BUILD# This time around I’m lumping a couple releases and discussing them together. In the previous post I highlighted a few issues that I wanted to address next. These included a better feedback system for picking up and depositing energy and improved level design. However, as I hinted in that post, I changed my mind (though I partly address the latter issue still). Mainly, I ended up increasing the number of players from two to four and putting in the rudiments of a proper “player/control” selection…
Exploration and Gameplay
As was probably obvious given the posts earlier in the month, the third book in the Lazy Designer series is now available for Kindle. I was a bit distracted with talking about a couple stories I’ve had published recently — which, if you have not read my story ‘Slaying Dragons’ in Plasma Frequency Magazine, you still can — and vote for it, if you enjoy it! Anyways, here’s a link to the table of Contents. And here’s the blurb: Brent Knowles continues his Lazy Designer series with a look at exploration and gameplay. From environment design to combat to building rule systems, Brent examines how to craft quality design. And…
Read This: Digital Rights by Brent Knowles (Writers of the Future Winning Story)
The Assistant responsible for the primary thruster arrangement killed itself just ten days after Izzy arrived on the solar station. The panicked chatter of the other Assistants prevented them from continuing with their own duties. Horror, speculation, and worse of all, wonder, flowed across the station’s network. Izzy had to stop it. And it was her fault; it never should have happened. She had been distracted. Later she would blame the ghost, but for now, she simply reacted. Simply acted. Her body twisted and jerked, her fingers puncturing the holographic displays that surrounded her, initiating commands as she fought for the station’s survival. Earth, beautiful, blue, perfect, floated in front…
Interview with me has gone live at Blogcritics
If you are absolutely dying to know more about me I recently did an interview over at Blogcritics. http://blogcritics.org/scitech/article/an-interview-with-brent-knowles-writer/ I have to admit being called an emperor does good things for my ego.
Review for “Digital Rights”
A positive though short review for Writers of the Future 26 went up at SF Site… not sure if its been there for a while but ego-surfing today I stumbled across it. My story and Adam Colston’s are the only ones really discussed, with both of us getting nice reviews. Specifically for ‘Digital Rights’ Sandra Scholes says Knowles writes with a fresh outlook on sci-fi and has created a strange new world that sounds daunting even if it is far away. Head over to SF Site to read the full review. And remember you can read Digital Rights by buying the Writers of the Future anthology or you can download…
Writers of the Future XXVI Review
Diabolical Plots has posted a review of Writers of the Future XXVI, the first full review of the anthology that I’ve seen so far. There’s some spoilers over there so don’t go read it unless you’ve already read the anthology. I’m pleased with my review, I think the criticisms levied against my story are certainly fair though I’m in a bit more disagreement over some of the ratings given to the other stories. But that’s the cool thing about writing and reading… we all interpret stories differently. Anyways its nice to see a review… I’ve been a bit disappointed about the lack of reviews having expected a few more by…
Auroras, Stories, and More
Just a reminder that my story ‘Digital Rights’ is free right now as part of a Smashword promotion. If you are Canadian and enjoy it please consider nominating it for an Aurora reward. If you are not Canadian and liked it please consider writing a Smashword’s review (and if you are on Empire Avenue let me know and I’ll go buy a wack of shares in you). Smashword Stories Amazon Stories And my latest story, ‘Stealing Death’ is in Necrotic Tissue. Fantastic magazine, check it out. And for those of you who are here looking for game design advice or my thoughts on Dragon Age 2, check out the Lazy…