Read this Week – The Assault on Reason
Finished reading The Assault on Reason by Al Gore. Overall I enjoyed this book. I know very little about the United State’s system of government and I thought this a good primer, though probably biased a little. But Mr. Gore’s reasoning behind what he feels were the intentions of the Founders and why they wrote the Constitution the way they did were well structured and I agree with most of his points. Certainly the previous administration in the States did terrible damage to the United State’s reputation worldwide and more alarmingly has removed too many freedoms (wire tapping, internet snooping, ignoring human rights). Regardless of where you sit on the…
Inevitable post about G20
Like many Canadians I watched the news last night and was horrified by the vandalism during the G20. The Canadian government really failed Toronto. I’ve heard quotes of over a billion dollars spent in preparation for this day and a half summit and none of the preparations were able to stop the destruction. It is embarrassing. It makes our politicians look even more incompetent. What would I have done instead? Arrest everyone wearing or carrying a mask. End of the day no one should be allowed to wear masks that make them anonymous. Anonymous people are more willing to cause property damage or injure others. Don’t allow them to be…
James Moore insults Canadians… not cool
Lots of discussion around C-32, a copyright bill here in Canada. A couple videos with Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore belittling Canadians who oppose the bill. One at itworld and another on youtube. I’m very unhappy with his use of language as if disagreeing with a bill somehow makes the citizens disagreeing ‘bad people’. Every bill needs discussion, needs people — not just politicians — debating its merits. If James Moore can’t handle that he’s in the wrong business. Labeling dissenters as radical extremists is a frightening choice of words for a Canadian politician. Other useful links to check out: Cory Doctorow giving a good summary of the issue with…