Writing Resources

Word Goals

For those of you who stop into this blog but are really only interested in Lazy Designer news, you can subscribe directly at the new Lazy Designer site. This replaces the old “Lazy” mailing list and I have already transitioned those who had signed up there. If you sign up you should receive, via e-mail, a sample chapter from Book 3… it might take an hour or so though for that to reach you. Let me know if that does not happen. There’s also another freebie for direct download there.

Okay, back to the blog post:

This post, “Word Goals” is not to announce the title of my new game or anything (though I have whipped up a little word-hunting game for my kids). It is just my annual moment of gloating to announce that I passed the goal I set for myself of writing 250 000 words in 2013.

Currently I am sitting at 287 000. So I might end up close to 300 000 by year’s end.

To some this might seem like a lot of words, but it is actually one of least productive years, since leaving BioWare. Here’s my past performance:
2009 – 172191 (most of this was done between September and December, after I left BioWare)
2010 – 407440
2011 – 433955
2012 – 335301

The reason for the decline in production — which I had anticipated — was that I knew I’d be spending more time with the kids. I was also being conservative because my wife was looking for new work which might mean a return to full-time employment. This happened, and so I’m glad I accommodated that when I planned my writing goals for this year.

(I really dislike surprises that disrupt my planning and so I do tend to be conservative.)

Right now I’m about 20% through writing the Lazy Designer book on management (as well as preparing a series of Unity tutorials).

Anyways , a few stories of mine are still available to read if you are interested:
Oomph-frontcover-1000 My story ‘Great White’ is in this fun anthology.


51PF-u+8U0L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ This is a “best of” issue for Plasma Frequency and contains my story ‘Slaying Dragons’.

Former lead designer at BioWare (Dragon Age: Origins, Neverwinter Nights). Creator of Raiders of the Serpent Sea.


  • Mordi Peshkess

    Really nice to get such a constant updates from you considering you have so much going on. I might not comment on them but I do follow them so keep up the good work. I seriously think that if you do some gaming podcasts then you’ll be able to promote your work. I know you don’t really think it but gamers are a very thirsty group for this kind of inside info.

    I visit Giantbomb on a day to day basis and I am sure that if you’d reach out to any of then then they will love giving some “air time”.

    Even so maybe your own podcast will be awesome. You know enough people that I’m sure would love to talk about writing and video game writing.

    Well for now, I’ll go back to my self abuse in the form of Dark Souls. Have a great week end.

  • Brent Knowles

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I think next fall (once both kids are in school full-time) I might look into something like Giantbomb and try to arrange regular articles or whatnot. Right now my time is so unpredictable, I hate to make commitments and break them, but yeah, I definitely would also like to start attracting a larger audience.

    Thanks again, enjoy the weekend!

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