‘Touch the Dead’ now available
My latest story is now available! ‘Touch the Dead’ appears in On Spec #87 (Winter 2011/2012) issue. This is my third story to be published in On Spec.
The best way to read the story is to get a subscription to the magazine. I believe you can also order single issues of the magazine instead… and there is a digital subscription option too.
Lois Tilton from Locus has already put up a favorable review:
While riding with his girlfriend, driving too fast, a ghostly encounter runs him off the road… Brian is haunted everywhere by hostile ghosts.
‘Touch the Dead’ is also set in the same universe as the third novel I’ve completed (‘Defeating the Purpose’). I have more to say about the background behind writing this story (part of the story actually happened) but I’ll save that for a later post.
Bob Warren
Have a Super Friday and a Fantastic Weekend!!
Ernest Koncaba
Lay your ghost to rest, Brent.
Thank you for the into sounds interesting, great to meet a creative writer
Michelle Gilstrap
Sounds good, Brent
Candace Mountain
I saw a ghost once, it still freaks me out a little.
Alexander BK
Good luck with your book. Looks Awesome!
Brent Knowles
Brent Knowles
Ghosts can be freaky. Though my scariest encounter was actually with a Sasquatch.
Brent Knowles
Narendran Narayanasamy
sharing it
Brent Knowles
Thank you!