• My Life

    Empire Avenue – Why my share price drops

    Many newcomers who race up the leaderboard get shocked a week or so later when they begin to plummet. Don’t Panic! Others have posted on this but I thought tossing out another post explaining as far as I understand it, the market mechanics and why this happens, might help alleviate concern. Here goes: Because share price is mixture of online activity and people’s interest (i.e., buying shares) in you if either tapers off your share price will drop. Newcomers who are active online get onto the recent arrival leaderboards. AND THEN EVERYONE BUYS THEM! They shoot up the leaderboards. AND EVERYONE SELLS THEM! And because their share price is so…

  • Brent's Toys,  My Life

    Got iPad

    Well I did it. Even despite some reservations I bought myself an iPad. My main concerns with doing so stemmed mostly around the way Apple limits and controls apps. But I put my principles aside for the love of geek and bought it anyways. So with less than a day of using it I can really only say that it is pretty cool. I’m writing this entry on my deck enjoying a nice evening and I imagine more of my posts will be written this way, as long as they are link light. I’ve used the iPad pretty painlessly for Twitter and Empire Avenue looks sweet on it. And I’ve…